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How to Choose and Design the Right Christmas Tree for Your Space

by DecorMatters|Nov 15, 2022

Whether you take a modernist approach to the silly season, or maybe you’re a bit more of the traditional type, the question remains the same for all—how on EARTH can I incorporate a Christmas tree into my already well-thought-out interior?

Christmas Living Room, Light Space

📸: @cottageandsea

A beautiful Christmas tree is a must-have for the festive season. The beautiful smell of pinewood, the excitement of decorating… But we leave ourselves at risk of creating an interior catastrophe if not done correctly. It should become a staple to your space, not an eyesore.

No matter your style, there is a method behind the madness of decorating your tree to stay in line with your already cemented decor style. 

Christmas Living Room Decor, Fireplace, Christmas Tree

📸: @mcgeeandco

So as a Christmas gift from us here at DecorMatters, we’ve compiled our top tips that you can rely on to have the perfect Christmas tree set up this silly season. 

A Quality Christmas Tree Says It All

First and foremost, it’s all about picking the right tree! In order to avoid your Christmas tree looking tacky, we’d recommend investing in a high-quality tree.

If you make an annual trip to a Christmas Tree Farm to collect your tree, do your research on the quality of their trees based on previous reviews, and ensure that they have cared for their trees year round.

Christmas Living Room Decor, Fireplace, Christmas Tree

📸: @wanderingmyhome

Once home, ensure to keep feeding it through a quality Christmas tree base feeder, and change the water every second day. The last thing you want is to go to all the effort to buy a gorgeous tree, and it dies before the holidays arrive! 

Try to fully ‘fluff’ your tree branches out before getting excited and jumping onto decorating. It will take a while, but the result will be a fuller and more beautiful-looking tree. 

Choosing The Right Colored Christmas Tree Lights and Decorations

To add life to the giant pine-fresh plant now making your home, its home, we must add lights! And finding the right lights can be a bit of a challenge, especially if you are somebody who is just as obsessed with a lighting concept as ____ from Clueless. 

Christmas Tree, Red and White Christmas Decor

📸: @whitewoodfarmhouse

The color which you choose can either complement fully or clash entirely, with your already trendy interior decor.

If you have a traditional and classic interior theme going on, yellow-toned lights will create a warm and comforting ambiance. Spicey tones with shades of gold and red will be a fantastic touch to your warm, glowing Christmas tree light concept.

Neutral-Toned Christmas Tree

📸: @the_haddon_home

If you’re sporting a modern interior, opt for bright white lights to compliment the crisp look you’ve got going on. In this case, we’d recommend looking for silver and white decorations on your hunt at the mall. 

Your Positioning Is Vital

Even though our Feng Shui blog doesn’t have a Christmas special, it’s important to try and place your tree in the correct position of your home in order to have it feel right. 

Christmas Living Room Decor, Fireplace, Christmas Tree

📸: @ahousewebuilt

With the time and energy you put into it, you will want everyone to see it! Where in your home can you display your tree, so it gets the most attention it deserves?

Setting up in the corner is obviously the best choice, so it’s out of your way and viewable from multiple angles. Just ensure not to put it in a sad corner that nobody really cares about. 

Christmas Living Room Decor, Staircase, Christmas Tree

📸: @cottagerenovationcwmrhys

We would recommend placing the tree by a window if you can. Especially if it’s snowing outside in your zip code, this will add even more visual festivities to your setup. A small added bonus of placing your tree by the window is installing the Christmas spirit to those who pass by your home in the evening. 

Balance Is Key 

When it comes to choosing a magnitude of magical Christmas decorations for your tree, one most commonly feels overwhelmed.

Neutral-Toned Christmas Tree

📸: @jessicabrydsonphotography

Keep it simple when on the hunt. Ensure you get a range of different shapes and sizes to create an interesting appearance, and do not allow your decoration to be too bland.

If you find shopping for individual decorations overwhelming, you can look to Baule sets that already contain a range of sizes, styles, and finishes. Top it off with ribbons, or even flowers! Add some high-quality tinsel and wrap it around that tree to finish it off. Voila! 

Neutral-Toned Christmas Tree, Warm Lights

📸: @gina_barragan

Although we don’t really need to tell you, make sure that your decorations are placed evenly throughout your tree. If you’re reading our blog, well, we can practically assume you’re the type of person who cares for their interior design so much that it will start to bother you. 

From all of us here at DecorMatters, we wish you a Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, and a Happy New Year!

Simple Christmas Tree Decor, Living Room Christmas Decor

📸: @steviemaxine

For more Christmas design tips, follow the DecorMatters blog. With our free interior design app, you can virtually decorate any room in your home, try Christmas tree layouts, and more!

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