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DIY Wood Christmas Trees

by Samantha Potter|Dec 21, 2021

Okay, Christmas decor is at a minimum in this house this year. I’m not feeling what I have but I’m also not willing to settle for something that I am not totally in love with. I’m trying to stop this unnecessary habit of purchasing things for the need and desire to have a finished space. I’m really working on being more intentional with what I buy and having a more fulsome picture of what I intend to do. That being said, this year we did invest in a faux tree (it looks so good! We got this one) so budget-wise more decorations aren’t in there, that’ll be next year’s adventure. Enter my DIY Christmas. I loved these wood Christmas trees from Crate and Barrel but did you see the price tag on them?! $50 for one of the sizes that I’ve made and $150 for a 3.5 ft tall one!

My price tag on these DIY wood Christmas trees? Free. Used from scrap material I had laying around. So there’s that. In addition to these DIY Wood Christmas trees, I also have so many more affordable DIYs for the holiday’s already on this page:

That’s a lot right?! You can get so creative this time of year and make magic with what you already have. Speaking of which, let’s get to these DIY wood Christmas trees.

Here are the tools and materials you need to make your DIY Wood Christmas Trees

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Recommended Tools to Make Your Life Easier When Building Built-in Bookshelves

  • Circular Saw
  • Mitre Saw (optional if you have one of the above)
  • Jigsaw
  • Orbital Sander
  • Straight edge/guide
  • Clamps
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Here are the materials you need to make DIY wood Christmas trees

Sizes are totally up to you! I made three sizes:

  • 16″ tall x 7″ wide
  • 14″ tall x 7″ wide
  • 10″ tall x 5″ wide
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For this you need:

  • Scrap plywood or scrap common boards (max. 1″ thick with 7″ of width remaining).
  • Paint or spray paint (if painting) /Stain (if staining)
  • Sandpaper (for your sander -150 grit and 200 grit)
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How to Make DIY Wood Christmas Trees

  • Square off your boards. Either using a table saw or a circular saw. Make them 7″ wide or 5″ wide, or whatever size you’re going for.
  • Cut your boards to the proper height – either 16″, 14″, or 10″ or whatever you want. You need two boards for each tree.
  • Measure the middle of your board. Then measure half of the thickness of the boards on either side of that middle line (i.e., if your board is 1″ thick it’ll be 0.5 on either side of that line). Draw a line with those two measurements that goes just slightly over halfway up your boards. Repeat on the second board. Test and make sure
  • You’re going to use a jigsaw but first, you need to make a guide for it. You can use a straight edge and clamps. Cut out that center hole, moving your guide to the other side when you’ve done that first line. On the second line, before you reach the end (i.e., the middle) cut the jig across and slowly work on getting that center part flat and cut. The end result of these center cuts is pictured above. Repeat for board two.
  • Set up two boards – one with the center cut towards the bottom and the other towards the top. Draw a line from the bottom corner of your board to the top center. The one where the center cut is at the top will be cut off sooner.
  • Create a guide for your circular saw for these cuts. Again using a straight edge and circular saw. Repeat for all four of these cuts.
  • Slide your trees together! Paint or stain if you want and there you have your amazing wood Christmas trees!
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This article was written by Samantha from Signed Samantha.

Meet The Author

Samantha is a working mama who has always been looking to find that work/life balance.

On her website, you’ll find a daily dose of inspiration, coupled with a ton of sarcasm and a few laughs. Signed Samantha is a millennial mom who encompasses all things food, cocktails, entertaining, home decor, easy D.I.Ys, toddler activities, and everything in between.

Check out her Blog, Instagram & Pinterest!

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