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Otto Studio: Peel and Stick Wallpaper

by Samantha Potter|Mar 22, 2022

Here we go – another round of peel and stick wallpaper. If you’ve been a long-time reader, you’re probably wondering how hesitant I was when Hannah, one of the co-founders of Otto Studio, reached out to me to introduce me to their peel-and-stick wallpaper. The answer is very. Not because she isn’t the loveliest person ever (fact: she is indeed the loveliest person), but because my first experience with peel and stick wallpaper (from an entirely different brand who shall remain unnamed) was, well, a little bit traumatizing to say the least. Luckily Hannah took the time to address each of my concerns over several conversations and reassured me in the most tangible way – with a sample of Otto’s products – that this experience would be a lot different. She eventually talked me back into the world of peel and stick wallpaper; I was ready to give it another whirl. Let’s see how it went, shall we? 

The Quality of Otto Studio’s Peel and Stick Wallpaper

As I alluded to above, peel and stick wallpaper can be a bit of a tricky beast – you can’t adjust it as easily as you can adjust a glue-based wallpaper when it’s on the wall. You must be precise and accurate when placing your peel and stick because it’s effectively a sticker – once it’s on, it’s on and it’s not going anywhere. Well sort of, you can peel it off to fully remove it when you’re ready for a change. You can also peel it off to realign it and try again which is something I certainly have to do several times when starting my next panel to line up the pattern just right. The thing is, when you’re peeling back wallpaper that’s already been stuck on the wall, you run the risk of stretching out your wallpaper and not being able to align the pattern properly. I have always had to realign almost every panel of wallpaper I’ve ever installed.

The crazy part is when I was realigning Otto’s wallpaper, the wallpaper did not stretch, and low and behold the patterns lined up! I’m guessing this has to do with the thickness of the wallpaper. Nevertheless, gently peeling it back to realign the pattern perfectly was no problem with Otto‘s high-quality wallpaper. Every piece fully retained its shape and I didn’t see any stretching – I was really impressed and, honestly, relieved. I will say without a doubt, the quality of Otto’s peel and stick wallpaper improved my ability to install it myself. I will also say I not only loved the thickness of the wallpaper but also the slight texture it has – any imperfections on the wall were well-hidden thanks to this texture. Overall, I’ll give the wallpaper quality from Otto Studio a 10/10 – it is both thick and luscious, plus, has a nice texture – all things I now know to look for when wallpaper shopping.

But seriously, check out this before and after – see the personality the wallpaper brings into the space?! And, can you see the seams? Exactly. The patterns line up perfectly – thanks to the quality!

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Could Anyone Install Otto Studio’s Peel and Stick Wallpaper?

Whenever I do a project, I always ask myself if I think anyone (i.e., not someone who spends their spare time doing DIY projects) could pick it up and do it. Before I tried Otto’s wallpaper, I would have said no but they have changed my response! IF you have high-quality, thick wallpaper (aka peel and stick wallpaper from Otto Studio’s) the answer is yes, I have the utmost faith that anyone could tackle this. Of course, I would still suggest starting small – like a feature wall or an easy room (NOT a powder room). A small, non-complicated space is one thousand percent something you could tackle at home with no experience. If you are considering Otto, they have a full, easy-to-follow tutorial on their website laid out for you which I found to be quite helpful to watch before starting.

Tips for Purchasing Peel and Stick Wallpaper + A Discount Code

I now have a specific set of criteria I will be looking for when considering peel and stick wallpaper and I am happy to report, Otto Studio meets them. The most important is being able to get a sample – not only is this helpful to visualize the pattern in your space but it also gives you the opportunity to do a quality check and confirm the thickness of the peel and stick wallpaper. It is pretty clear that the wallpaper I received from Otto was nice and thick, however, you can also see for yourself: Otto has the option for you to order three free sample swatches! A win IMO.

As part of my vetting process, I also like to be able to see the wallpaper being installed in some capacity – you can follow along on my IG to see this OR you can head over to Otto’s website and watch their tutorial. It can help give you a sense of how complicated or not someone finds it.

Overall, thanks to Hannah and the Otto Studio team, I’m fully back on board with peel and stick wallpaper as a great option to inject some personality into people’s spaces.

Happy wallpapering!

This article was written by Samantha from Signed Samantha.

Meet The Author

Samantha is a working mama who has always been looking to find that work/life balance.

On her website, you’ll find a daily dose of inspiration, coupled with a ton of sarcasm and a few laughs. Signed Samantha is a millennial mom who encompasses all things food, cocktails, entertaining, home decor, easy D.I.Ys, toddler activities, and everything in between.

Check out her Blog, Instagram & Pinterest!

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