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Transform Your Space: 5 Gorgeous Blue Interior Design Ideas You'll Love

by DecorMatters|Aug 30, 2023

Welcome to another exciting post that promises to be a treat for design aficionados and color enthusiasts alike! If you've been keeping up with the DecorMatters app, you'll know we recently wrapped up our sensational "Blue Melody" design challenge. We invited our community of talented designers to showcase their flair in blending the serene, yet dynamic color of blue into various living spaces.

In the tapestry of interior design, color is not just an element; it’s a language. It communicates mood, evokes emotion, and sets the entire atmosphere of a space. And blue, with its vast range from sky pastels to deep navy, is especially versatile.

So what's in store for you in this article? We've curated a dazzling lineup of the top 5 winning designs from our challenge, each reflecting the power of blue in rooms as varied as the living room, home office, and bedroom. Not only will you get a feast for the eyes, but you'll also receive practical tips to incorporate this transformative color into your own haven.

1. Living Room with Coastal Vibes

Let's set sail into the serene waters of @karlak69's coastal-themed living room—a true gem from our "Blue Melody" design challenge. The space feels like a breezy summer afternoon by the beach, making you almost hear the waves crashing in the background.

blue coastal vibe living room design

A quintessential aspect of this living room is the rich color palette. The walls, swathed in a dark, deep blue, serve as a sophisticated backdrop that adds depth and dimension to the room. This is contrasted beautifully with oceanic waves captured in a bird photograph, adding just the right splash of lighter blues. From the chairs upholstered in varying shades of sea and sky to the rug with azure patterns, every element contributes to an ambiance that's as tranquil as it is chic.

Expert Tips: If you're looking to capture a coastal vibe in your own home, start with choosing a base color that's both calming and impactful, like a navy or sapphire blue for the walls. Add layers with different shades and textures—a lighter blue rug here, a turquoise throw pillow there. You can even bring in some nautical elements like seashells or driftwood to accentuate the theme. To complete the look, focus on accessories that echo the ocean's endless hues: a sea-glass bowl, for instance, or even a surfboard propped up as an art piece.

2. Calm and Productive Home Office

We're showcasing the ingenious home office space created by our second winner, @boheme. A true masterstroke of design, this workspace demonstrates how the intelligent use of blue can be a catalyst for productivity and tranquility. At first glance, what immediately catches the eye is the unique artwork featuring various shades of blue mingled with lightbulbs. It's more than just aesthetically pleasing—it's a creative nudge that encourages imagination, innovation, and a steady workflow.

calming and productive blue home office

The desk itself is far from ordinary. With its unconventional design, it evokes a sense of adventure, making every workday feel like a new journey. If you're looking to imbue your own home office with a similar sense of calm and creativity, consider incorporating blue elements. Whether it's a piece of artwork, a comfortable chair, or even just some blue office supplies, small changes can make a big difference.

A Note on Color Psychology: The color blue is linked to feelings of calm and focus. Various studies have shown that blue tones can lower heart rates and reduce stress, creating an optimal environment for tackling tasks efficiently. So, the next time you’re pondering office decor, remember that a touch of blue could make your workspace not just stylish but also scientifically more productive.

3. Modern and Elegant Living Room

Our third winner, @nzia, has truly outdone themselves with their living room setup that is as chic as it is inviting. The room is a symphony of blue, but not just any blue. We're talking about cleverly designed shelves illuminated with LED lighting in a captivating shade of blue that elevates the entire room.

modern blue and white living room design

The color palette is mainly blue and white, a classic duo that never fails to impress. What's most striking is how @nzia has achieved a delicate balance between bold blues and softer, neutral tones. The room showcases a layering of blue throw pillows in varying shades, paired with a tastefully chosen blue throw blanket. These elements add depth and dimension, turning the living room into a modern masterpiece with eye-catching accents that feel anything but overdone.

Expert Tips: If you're smitten with this look and are pondering how to recreate it, start with a clean, white backdrop to allow the blues to genuinely shine. Don't shy away from mixing different shades of blue. The key is balance: pick a bold blue as your primary shade and then sprinkle lighter or darker hues in the form of throw pillows, blankets, or even artwork.

4. Dreamy Midnight Bedroom

The bedroom—a sanctuary for peace, rest, and personal expression. One of our stunning winners in the "Blue Melody" challenge, @Nino_Dadiani, has artfully curated a luxurious bedroom that envelops you in the tranquil embrace of deep blue walls. The space seems to whisper serenity as you walk in, with its natural wooden bed frame anchoring the room and a chic blue accent chair adding a touch of opulence.

deep and bold blue bedroom design created in interior design app

Deeper shades of blue can evoke a sense of intimacy, mystery, and dreamy escape. It's akin to the night sky—limitless and comforting, enveloping you in a world where the hustle and bustle of everyday life feel miles away. The color exudes a calming aura, yet with a luxurious undertone, making it a perfect pick for anyone aiming for an upscale, peaceful haven.

Expert Tips: When incorporating deep blues into your bedroom, shade and texture should be your go-to guides. For bedding, consider a mix of velvet or silk textures to catch the light, making the blue tones shine even more. If you're looking at wall art, opt for pieces with lighter shades of blue or complementary colors to create a harmonious contrast against the dark walls. This ensures that while the room is deeply colored, it also has a balanced and layered visual appeal.

5. Eclectic Blue Living Space

Step into a living room that's a veritable celebration of blue, courtesy of our fifth winner, @annie_athome. Here, you'll find more than just a monochromatic space. Imagine a vivid blue wall serving as the perfect backdrop to an assortment of blue artwork. Add to that blue throw blankets casually draped over the furniture and subtle blue accents woven into the rug—this room is a symphony in blue but far from a one-note wonder.

But how does one concoct such a rich blend of blues without diving into chaos? It's all about balance. Mixing different shades of blue adds layers of depth and intrigue. The key is in the variation—combining pale blues with darker hues, or pairing matte finishes with glossy textures. It creates a vibrant yet cohesive aesthetic where each blue element complements the other, rather than competing for attention.

Expert Tips: If you're considering an eclectic blue haven of your own, start small. Pick one dominant shade of blue as your base, and then build upon it with different textures and patterns. A patchwork of blue throw pillows or a statement piece of artwork can provide that necessary dash of diversity without overwhelming the space.

Unleash Your Creativity: Join Our Next Design Challenge Today!

As we've journeyed through these captivating blue realms—from cozy coastal living rooms to serene offices—it's crystal clear: the color blue brings an extraordinary depth of emotion and versatility to interior design. Our interior design community has brilliantly showcased how different shades of blue can evoke tranquility, elegance, and even vibrant energy.

Want to visualize real furniture in your room?Design Now

Now, it's your turn! We wholeheartedly encourage you to channel your inner designer and create your own blue-inspired spaces on the DecorMatters room design app. Plus, if you want to show off your decorating skills, we'd be thrilled to see your creations in our next design challenge. Who knows? Your design might just be the star of our next blog feature!

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